Curriculum vitae

Robert Eckardt
11/2011-present Coordinator of the DLR project "SAR-EDU" - Remote Sensing Education
Initiative for Microwave Remote Sensing.
04/2011-10/2011 Scholarship at FSU JENA, GERMANY for the establishment of a Graduate School
for "Earth Data Assimilation"
03/2008 - 03/2011
Project work in DLR/FAO's project FRA-SAR 2010: Forest Resources
Assessment 2010 of tropical rainforest using SAR data at the FSU JENA,
01/2008 - 05/2008 Project work in ESA project GMES / Sentinel-1: Analysis of MultiTemporal
Land Observation at C-Band at the FSU JENA, GERMANY
12/2007 - 01/2008 Project work in the TLWJF-Project 'Kyrill-Mapping' at the FSU JENA, GERMANY