

of the Jun. Professorship for Social Geography
Image: Simon Runkel

Research perspectives of social geography in Jena

For us, the social question is a geosocial question, which means that the focus is on the geography and spatiality of social coexistence and the associated forms of social inequality. In our research, we are interested in critically and reflexively understanding the dynamisation and stabilisation of social geographies. At various levels of scale, we address contemporary and future questions of global, societal and demographic change. The empirical work is accompanied by theoretical thinking within the framework of various social and societal theories as well as political theory.

The conceptual and empirical research work of the junior professorship is subdivided into the three interconnected foci (1) "Geographies of the life course - Social geographies in demographic change", (2) "Security and freedom - Social geographies in societal change" and (3) "Geosocial imaginaries - Social geographies in geopolitical change".

A quick overview of all ongoing research projects can be found here.

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