Ferdinand Stenglein

Research fellow
Ferdinand Stenglein
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Ferdinand Stenglein
Image: Felix Völkel
Room 237
Löbdergraben 32
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
  • Short biography
      • since 10/2015:

        Doctoral studies of Sociology at the University of Muenster.

        Thesis: »The Anarchist Commune: Depropertization and Interstitial Autonomy« [»Die Praxis der Anarchistischen Kommune: Depropertisierung und interstitielle Autonomie«] (funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation).

        The dissertation focuses on the collective economy of anarchist Intentional Communities and develops the concept and idea of interstitial autonomy.
    • since 2010:

      Freelancer in the field of informal adult education.

    • 10/2006 - 03/2013:

      Studies in Geography, Sociology and Public Law at the University of Bonn and at Hong Kong University (diploma with honors).

      Several research visits at Xinjiang University, Urumqi, PRC and the Institute of Botany, (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Kunming, PRC.

    Personal websites:

  • Research interests
    • Anarchism and Anarchist Geographies
    • Social Change and Theories of Change
    • Intentional Communities
    • Commons, Property and Law
    • Ethnography
    • Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Western China

    PhD project

    The Anarchist Commune: Depropertization and Interstitial Autonomy

    During the last two centuries of European history, the idea and practice of the commune
    recurs in political movements thereby designating an emancipatory and utopian horizon. In its various appearances and forms, e.g. as insurrectionary squatting, protest movement or intentional community, the commune actualizes claims for social autonomy. Briefly said, the commune serves as a name for peoples’ struggles for their self-determination and self-formation as social subjects.

    In my thesis I conceptionally draw on the history and position of the commune in
    communist and communitarian anarchism and empirically focus on practices of shared
    economies in intentional communities. Following an ethnographic methodical design, I
    concretely ask how practices of property, or else of the critique of property, unfold in these
    communes and how they subject members of the communes’ communities as

    On the basis of the empirical analysis, with this thesis the conceptual idea of the communewithin anarchism shall be further developed and extrapolated utopically. Lastly, by this, I hope to further the thinking of an autonomous and self-liberating society.

  • Publications

    Publications (selection)

    • Stenglein, F. (Nov. 2019): »Exiting Private Property. On the Interstitial Terrain of Becoming Communards«, in Rule and Resistance Beyond the Nation State: Contestation, Escalation, Exit, Hg. Anderl, F., Daase, C., Deitelhoff, N., Kempf, V. & J. Pfister, London: Rowman & Littlefield, S. 221 – 241.
    • Stenglein, F. (2018): »Unten werden. Zum Ethos der Ontologie des Mitseins von Jean-Luc Nancy«, in Gesellschaft von unten?! Studien zur Formierung zivilgesellschaftlicher Graswurzelinitiativen, Hg. Grundmann, M., Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, S. 100 – 121.
    • Stenglein, F. (2017): »Wissenschaftliche Expertise und die (Re)Produktion gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse – Eine argumentationstheoretische Analyse von Diskursen der Ökologie- und Umweltforschung im westlichen China«, in Geogr. Helv., 72, S. 197 – 209, doi:10.5194/gh-72-197-2017.
    • Stenglein, F. & S. Mader (2016): »Cycling Diaries: Moving Towards an Anarchist Fieldtrip Pedagogy«, in Anarchism, Geography, and the Spirit of Revolt. The Radicalization of Pedagogy, Hg. Springer, S., White, R. & M. Lopez de Souza, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, S. 223 – 246.


    • Stenglein, F.: »Anarchismus und die Geographie der Kritik. Überlegungen zu Anwendungsbezogenheit der Kritischen Geographie«, Vortrag, SitzungAngewandte Kritische Geographie?, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Kiel, 28.09.2019.
    • Stenglein, F.: »Deserting with Ourselves: The Radical Pedagogy of the Commune«, Vortrag, International Dissidence, Frankfurt am Main, 04.03.2017.
    • Stenglein, F.: »Doing Undoing: ›Gesellschaft von Unten‹ als Verhandlungsprozesse des in-Beziehung-seins?«, Vortrag, Ad-Hoc Gruppe Gesellschaft von Unten , 38. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bamberg, 29.09.2016.

    Full listpdf, 63 kb · de of publications and talks.

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