Greater Caucasus Mountains

Dr. Hans von Suchodoletz

Privatdozent, Vertretungsprofessor Physische Geographie
Greater Caucasus Mountains
Foto: Hans von Suchodoletz
Hans von Suchodoletz, PD Dr.
Vertretungsprofessor Physische Geographie
Raum 211
Löbdergraben 32
07743 Jena Google Maps – LageplanExterner Link
nach Vereinbarung
  • Research Interests and Regions

    Research Interests:

    • Geomorphology
    • Geoecology
    • Geoarchaeology

    Research Regions:

    • Canary Islands, northern Africa, Caucasus, central Europe, Iran
  • Awards
    • 2017 – DFG-funded Own Position SU491/6-1 Imprints of Rapid Climate Changes and human activity on Holocene hydro-sedimentary dynamics in Central Europe (loess-covered Weiße Elster model region)
    • 2014 – Outstanding Reviewer of “Global and Planetary Change”
    • 2010 – DFG-funded Own Position SU491/5-1 The Late Pleistocene/Holocene dynamics of eastern Transcaucasia as a contribution for paleoenvironmental research
    • 2003 – Graduate Fellowship of Free State Bavaria
  • Professional Experience

    2018 – 2020
    Interim professorship (Chair of Landscape Ecology) at Dresden University of Technology

    2010 – 2024
    Research Associate at Leipzig University

    2008 – 2009
    Research Associate at Bayreuth University

    2003 – 2007
    PhD-student at Bayreuth University

    2002 – 2003
    Freelancer in the exploration of contaminated sites

  • Educational Background

    Habilitation in Geography at the Faculty for Physics and Geosciences of Leipzig University

    PhD of Physical Geography at Institute of Geography of Bayreuth University

    Diploma of Geography at Institute of Geography of Bonn University

    1999 – 2000
    Exchange student at Institut de Géographie Alpine at Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble (France)

    Pre-Diploma in Geography at Institute of Geography at University of Technology Dresden

  • Publications


    • Hutengs, C., Seidel, M., Schneider, B., Oertel, F., Heinz, M.M., Khosravichenar, A., Vohlandf, M. & H. von Suchodoletz (2024): Application of portable VNIR and MIR spectroscopy for the analysis of physicochemical sediment characteristics and stratigraphy in drill cores of Holocene overbank deposits in Central Europe. Catena 242, 108122.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Khosravichenar, A., Fütterer, P., Zielhofer, C., Schneider, B., Sprafke, T., Tinapp, C., Fülling, A., Werther, L., Stäuble, H., Hein, H., Veit, U., Ettel, P., Werban, U. & J. Miera (2024): Holocene overbank sedimentation in Central Europe between natural and human drivers - the Weiße Elster River (Central Germany). Geomorphology 449, 109067.
    • Bilkova, G., Königova, M., Hylova, V., Elznicova, J., Suchodoletz, H. von, Flem, B. & T. Matys Grygar (2024): Factors controlling Mn contents in leaves of silver and downy birch in acid soils of central Europe and Norway. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31, 9642–9660.


    • Meister, J., Suchodoletz, H. von & C. Zeeden (2023): Preface Special Issue “Quaternary research from and inspired by the first virtual DEUQUA conference. E & G – Quaternary Science Journal 72, 185–187.
    • Khosravichenar, A., Moaazeni, S., Lupo, A.R., Karimi, A., Ulrich, M., Parvian, N., Sadeghi, A. & H. von Suchodoletz(2023): Assessing a multi-method approach for dryland soil salinization with respect to climate change and global warming – The example of the Bajestan region (NE Iran). Ecological Indicators 154, 110639.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, van Meer, M., Kühn, P., Wiedner, K., Schunke, T. & T. Reimann (2023): Deciphering timing and rates of Central German Chernozem formation through high resolution single-grain luminescence dating. Nature Scientific Reports 13, 4769.
    • Elznicová, J., Kiss, T., Suchodoletz, H. von, Bartyik, T., Sipos, G., Lenďáková, Z., Fačevicová, K., Pavlů, I., Kovárník, J. & T. Matys Grygar (2023): Anthropogenic or climatic termination of Jizera River meandering during the Late Holocene? Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48, 669-686.


    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Kirkitadze, G., Koff, T., Fischer, M.L., Poch, R.M., Khosravichenar, A., Schneider, B., Glaser, B., Lindauer, S., Hoth, S., Skokan, A., Navrozashvili, L., Lobjanidze, M., Akhalaia, M., Losaberidze, L. & M. Elashvili (2022): Human-environmental interactions and seismic activity in a Late Bronze to Early Iron Age settlement center in the southeastern Caucasus. Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 964188.
    • Ballasus, H., Suchodoletz, H. von, Schneider, B., Grün, H., Heller, A., Kind, M.-S., Wroblewski, B., Wurlitzer, S. & C. Zielhofer (2022): Hydro-sedimentary provenance analyses in the Weiße Elster catchment (Central Germany): The basic dataset. Data in Brief 40, 107719.
    • Wolf, D. Lomax, J., Wolpert, T., Sahakyan, L., Hovakimyan, H., Profe, J., Schulte, P., Suchodoletz, H. von, Hambach, U., Fuchs, M. & D. Faust (2022): Missing LGM-loess in the Southern Caucasus (NE-Armenia) caused by higher moisture conditions. Nature Scientific Reports 12:13269.
    • Miera, J.J., Schmidt, K., Suchodoletz, H. von, Ulrich, M., Werther, L., Zielhofer, C., Ettel, P. & U. Veit (2022): Large-scale investigations on Neolithic settlement dynamics in Central Germany based on machine learning analysis: a case study from the Weiße Elster river catchment. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0265835.
    • Weiss, M., Hein, M., Urban, B., Stahlschmidt, M.C., Heinrich, S., Hilbert, Y.H., Power, R.C., Suchodoletz, H. von, Terberger, T., Böhner, U., Klimscha, F., Veil, S., Breest, K., Schmidt, J., Colarossi, D., Tucci, M., Frechen, M., Tanner, D.C. & T. Lauer (2022): Neanderthals in changing environments from MIS 5 to early MIS 4 in northern Central Europe – Integrating archaeological, (chrono)stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental evidence at the site of Lichtenberg. Quaternary Science Reviews 284, 107519.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Pohle, M., Khosravichenar, A., Ulrich, M., Hein, M., Tinapp, C., Schultz, J., Ballasus, H., Veit, U., Ettel, P., Werther, L., Zielhofer, C. & U. Werban (2022): The fluvial architecture of buried floodplain sediments of the Weiße Elster River (Germany) revealed by a novel method combination of core drillings with 2D and 3D geophysical measurements. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 47, 955-976.
    • Ballasus, H., Schneider, B., Suchodoletz, H. von, Miera, J., Werban, U., Fütterer, P., Werther, L., Ettel, P., Veit, U. & C. Zielhofer (2022): Overbank silt-clay deposition and extensive Neolithic land-use in a Central European floodplain – coupled or decoupled? Science of the Total Environment 806, 150858.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Tinapp, C. & L. Werther (2022): Stratigraphie und Sedimentologie. In: Stolz, C. & C. Miller: Lehrbuch Geoarchäologie. Kapitel 7, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 55-69.
    • Birndorfer, T., Brückner, H., Bubenzer, O., Dotterweich, M., Dreibrodt, S., Hadler, H., Houben, P., Kothieringer, K., Lehmkuhl, F., Mentzer, S., Miller, C.C., Nowacki, D., Reitmaier, T., Röpke, A., Schirmer, W., Seeliger, M., Stolz, C., Suchodoletz, H. von, Tinapp, C., Tolksdorf, J.F., Vött, A. & C. Zielhofer (2022): Geoarchäologie in unterschiedlichen Landschaftsräumen. Kapitel 9. In: Stolz, C. & C. Miller: Lehrbuch Geoarchäologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 79-16.


    • Rabiger-Völlmer, J., Schmidt, J., Werban, U., Dietrich, P., Werther, L., Berg, S., Stele, A., Schneider, B., Suchodoletz, H. von, Lindauer, S., Linzen, S., Stolz, R., Wilken, D., Ettel, P. & C. Zielhofer (2021): High-resolution direct push sensing in wetland geoarchaeology - first traces of off-site construction activities at the Fossa Carolina. Remote Sensing 13, 4647.
    • Hein, M., Urban, B., Tanner, D., Buness, H., Tucci, M., Hoelzmann, P., Dietel, S., Kaniecki, M., Schultz, J., Kasper, T., Suchodoletz, H. von, Schwalb, A., Weiss, M. & T. Lauer (2021): Eemian landscape response to climatic shifts and evidence for northerly Neanderthal occupation at a palaeolake margin in northern Germany. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46, 2884-2901.
    • Khosravichenar, A., Fattahi, M., Karimi, A., Fazeli Nashli, H. & H. von Suchodoletz (2021): A first outline of the Quaternary landscape evolution of the Kashaf Rud river basin in the drylands of northeastern Iran. E & G – Quaternary Science Journal 70, 145-150.


    • Khosravichenar, A., Fattahi, M., Amini, H. & H. von Suchodoletz (2020): The potential of small mountain river systems for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in drylands – an example from the Binaloud Mountains in northeastern Iran. Geosciences 10, 448.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Richter, C., Walther, F., Bliedtner, M., Eloshvili, M. Losaberidze, L. & B. Hausdorf (2020): Land snail assemblages in Holocene floodplain research – an example from the southern Caucasus. E & G – Quaternary Science Journal 69, 247-260.
    • Bliedtner, M., Zech, R., Schäfer, I. & H. von Suchodoletz (2020): A first leaf wax isotope-based Holocene paleoclimatic record from the semi-humid to semi-arid southeastern Caucasian lowlands. Journal of Quaternary Science 35, 625-633.
    • Tinapp, C., Heine, Y., Heinrich, S., Herbig, C., Schneider, B., Stäuble, H. & H. von Suchodoletz (2020): Die Pleißeaue südlich von Leipzig – Geoarchäologische Erkenntnisse zur stratigraphischen Position archäologischer Fundstellen im Pleißetal. Ausgrabungen in Sachsen 7, 7-19.
    • Lauer, T., Weiss, M., Bernhardt, W., Heinrich, S., Rappsilber, I., Stahlschmidt, M., Suchodoletz, H. von & S. Wansa (2020): The Middle Pleistocene fluvial sequence at Uichteritz, central Germany: chronological framework, paleoenvironmental history and evidence for human presence during MIS 11. Geomorphology 354, 107016.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Berg, S., Eckmeier, E., Werther, L. & C. Zielhofer (2020): Editorial Special Issue „Geoarchaeology and past human–environment interactions“. E & G – Quaternary Science Journal 68, 237-240.
    • Bliedtner, M., Suchodoletz, H. von, Schäfer, I., Welte, C., Salazar, G., Szidat, S., Haas, M., Dubois, N. & R. Zech (2020): Age and origin of leaf wax n-alkanes in fluvial sediment-paleosol sequences, and implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24, 2105-2120.


    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Tinapp, C., Lauer, T., Glaser, B., Stäuble, H., Kühn, P. & C. Zielhofer (2019): Distribution of Chernozems and Phaeozems in Central Germany during the Neolithic period. Quaternary International 511, 166-184.
    • Tinapp, C., Heinrich, S., Herbig, C., Schneider, B., Stäuble, H., Ahlrichs, J. & H. von Suchodoletz (2019): Holocene floodplain evolution in a Central European loess landscape – Geoarchaeological investigations of the lower Pleiße valley in NW-Saxony. E & G – Quaternary Science Journal 68, 95-105.


    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Gärtner, A., Zielhofer, C. & D. Faust (2018): Eemian and post-Eemian fluvial dynamics in the Lesser Caucasus. Quaternary Science Reviews 191, 189-203.
    • Bliedtner, M., Zech, R., Kühn, P., Schneider, B., Zielhofer, C. & H. von Suchodoletz (2018): The potential of leaf wax biomarkers from fluvial sediment-paleosol sequences for paleovegetation reconstructions - Upper Alazani River, central southern Greater Caucasus (Georgia). Quaternary Science Reviews 196, 62-79.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von & D. Faust (2018): Late Quaternary fluvial dynamics and landscape evolution at the lower Shulaveris Ghele River (southern Caucasus). Quaternary Research 89, 254-269.
    • Bliedtner, M., Schäfer, I., Zech, R. & H. von Suchodoletz (2018): Leaf wax n-alkanes in modern plants and topsoils from SE-Georgia (Caucasus) – implications for reconstructing regional paleovegetation. Biogeosciences 15, 3927-3936.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Zielhofer, C., Hoth, S., Umlauft, J., Schneider, B., Zeeden, C., Sukhishvili, L. & D. Faust (2018): North Atlantic influence on Holocene flooding in the southern Greater Caucasus. The Holocene 28, 609-620.
    • Zielhofer, C., Wellbrock, K., Fitzsimmons, K., Lauer, T., al-Souliman, A.S., Stele, A., von Grafenstein, M., Suchodoletz. H. von, Schneider, B., Grottker, M. & H.G.K. Gebel (2018): Climate forcing and shifts in water management on the Northwest Arabian Peninsula (mid-Holocene Rasif wetlands, Saudi Arabia). Quaternary International 473A, 120-140.
    • Faust, D., Zöller, L., & H. von Suchodoletz (2018): Comment on: “Palaeoclimatic considerations of talus flatirons and aeolian deposits in Northern Fuerteventura volcanic island (Canary Islands, Spain)” by Gutiérrez-Elorza, M., Lucha, P., Gracia, F.-J., Desir, G., Marin, C. & N. Petit-Maire (2013) in Geomorphology 197, 1-9; Geomorphology 301, 139-140.


    • Zielhofer, C., Suchodoletz, H. von, Fletcher, W.J., Schneider, B., Dietze, E., Schlegel, M., Schepanski, K., Weninger, B., Mischke, S. & A. Mikdad (2017): Millennial-scale fluctuations in Saharan dust supply across the decline of the African Humid Period. Quaternary Science Reviews 171, 119-135.


    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Gärtner, A., Hoth, S., Umlauft, J.,  Sukhishivili, L. & D. Faust (2016): Late Pleistocene river migrations in response to thrust belt advance and sediment-flux steering - the Kura River (southern Caucasus). Geomorphology 266, 53-65.
    • Renno, A., Suchodoletz, H. von, Jentsch, K., Schöneburg, P., Vollbrecht, J. & H. Stäuble (2016): Geologische und archäologische Sedimente in den Braunkohletagebauen der Lausitz und Besuch der prähistorischen Sammlungen im Museum Bautzen.  In: Faust, D. & K. Heller (Hrsg.): Erkundungen in Sachsen und Schlesien. Exkursionsführer anlässlich der DEUQUA-Tagung in Dresden, 25. – 30.09.2016, 5-12.


    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Menz, M., Kühn, P., Sukhishvili, L. & D. Faust (2015): Fluvial sediments of the Algeti River in southeastern Georgia – an archive of Late Quaternary landscape activity and stability in the Transcaucasian region. Catena 130, 95-107.
    • Faust, D., Yanes, Y., Willkommen, T., Richter, D., Richter, D., Suchodoletz, H. von & L. Zöller (2015): Late Pleistocene Dune-Paleosol-Sequences in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Geomorphology 246, 290-304.


    • Huang, X., Oberhänsli, H., Suchodoletz, H. von, Prasad, S., Sorrel, P., Plessen, B., Mathis, M. & R. Usubaliev (2014): Hydrological changes in western Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan) during the Holocene as inferred from a palaeolimnological study in lake Son Kul. Quaternary Science Reviews 103, 134-152.
    • Zielhofer, C., Suchodoletz, H. von, Lauer, T. & J. Heinrich (2014): Climatic signals in geomorphological systems: Approaches from aeolian, fluvial, colluvial, periglacial, coastal, and man-made geomorphological systems (editorial). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F., Supplementary Issue 58/1, 1-3.


    • Lauer, T., Suchodoletz, H. von, Vollmann, H., Meszner, S., Frechen, M., Tinapp, C., Goldmann, L., Müller, S. & C. Zielhofer (2014): Landscape aridification in Central Germany during the late Weichselian Pleniglacial – results from the Zauschwitz loess site in western Saxony. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F., Supplementary Issue 58/1, 27-50.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Glaser, B., Thrippleton, T., Broder, T., Zang, U., Eigenmann, R., Kopp, B., Reichert, M. & L. Zöller (2013): The influence of Saharan dust deposits on La Palma soil properties (Canary Islands, Spain). Catena 103, 44-52.
    • Francus, P., Suchodoletz, H. von, Dietze, M., Donner, R., Bouchard, F., Roy, A.-J., Fagot, M., Verschuren, D. & S. Kröpelin (2013): Warved sediments of Lake Yoa (Ounianga Kebir, Chad) reveal progressive drying of the Sahara during the last 6.100 years. Sedimentology 60, 911-934.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Zöller, L., Hilgers, A., Radtke, U. & D. Faust (2013): Vegas and dune-palaeosoil-sequences – two different palaeoenvironmental archives on the eastern Canary Islands. In: Fernandez-Palacios et al. (Eds.): Climate change perspectives from the Atlantic. Past, present and future. Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de La Laguna de Tenerife, 259-274.
    • Menz, M., Suchodoletz, H. von & D. Faust (2013): Late Quaternary fluvial dynamics of the Algeti river in eastern Georgia. Geologica Saxonica 59, 173-182.


    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Blanchard, H., Hilgers, A., Radtke, U., Fuchs, M., Dietze, M. & L. Zöller (2012): TL and ESR-dating of Middle Pleistocene lava flows on Lanzarote island, Canary Islands (Spain). Quaternary Geochronology 9, 54-64


    • Huang, X., Oberhänsli, H., Suchodoletz, H. von & P. Sorrel (2011): Dust deposition in the Aral Sea: implications for changes in atmospheric circulation in central Asia during the past 2000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 3661-3674.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Faust, D. & D. Wolf (2011): Investigations of the fluvial dynamics in eastern Georgia as a contribution to palaeoenvironmental research of the region. Annals of Agrarian Science 9/3, 13-17.


    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Oberhänsli, H., Hambach, U., Zöller, L., Fuchs, M. & D. Faust (2010): Soil moisture fluctuations recorded in Saharan dust deposits on Lanzarote (Canary Islands) over the last 180 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 2173-2184
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Oberhänsli, H., Faust, D., Fuchs, M., Blanchet, C., Goldhammer, T. & L. Zöller (2010): The evolution of Saharan dust input on Lanzarote (Canary Islands) – influenced by human activity in the Northwest Sahara during the Early Holocene? The Holocene 20, 1-11.


    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Kühn, P., Hambach, U., Dietze, M., Zöller, L. & D. Faust (2009): Loess-like and palaeosol sediments from Lanzarote (Canary Islands/Spain) – indicators of palaeoenvironmental change during the Late Quaternary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 278, 71-87.
    • Menéndez, I., Derbyshire, E., Engelbrecht, J., Suchodoletz, H. von, Zöller, L., Dorta, P., Carillo, T. & F. Rodríguez de Castro (2009): Saharan dust and the aerosols on the Canary Islands: past and present. in: Cheng M, Liu W. (Eds.): Airborne particulates. Novapublishers: Hauppauge NY, pp. 39-80.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Faust, D. & L. Zöller (2009): Geomorphological investigations of sediment traps on Lanzarote (Canary Islands) as a key for the interpretation of a palaeoclimate archive off NW Africa. Quaternary International 196, 44-56.


    • Kröpelin, S., Verschuren, D., Lézine, A.M., Eggermont, H., Cocquyt, C., Francus, P., Cazet, J.P., Fagot, M., Rumes, B., Russell, J.M., Darius, F., Conley, D.J., Schuster, M., Suchodoletz, H. von & D.R. Engstrom (2008): Climate-driven ecosystem succession in the Sahara: the last 6000 years. Science 320, 765-768.
    • Suchodoletz, H. von, Fuchs, M. & L. Zöller (2008): Dating Saharan dust deposits at Lanzarote (Canary Islands) by luminescence dating techniques and their implication for paleoclimate reconstruction of NW Africa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems 9, DOI: 10.1029/2007GC001658.


    • Suchodoletz, H. von (2006): Ohne Uhrenvergleich geht´s nicht. Lumineszenzdatierungen als Schlüssel zu den Klimaarchiven Lanzarotes. Bayreuther Geographische Arbeiten 27, 23-53.
    • Zöller, L., Faust, D. & H. von Suchodoletz (2006): Pedostratigraphie des Quartärs auf Lanzarote. Bayreuther Geographische Arbeiten 27, 1-21.


    • Zöller, L., Suchodoletz, H. von, Blanchard, H., Faust, D. & U. Hambach (2004): Reply to the comment by JC Carracedo et al. on ‘Geoarchaeological and chronometrical evidence…’. Quaternary Science Reviews 23, 2049-2052.


    • Zöller, L., Suchodoletz, H. von & N. Küster (2003): Geoarchaeological and chronometrical evidence of early human occupation on Lanzarote (Canary Islands). Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 1299-1307.