Exploring affects and emotions in current spatially related research: established methods and new approaches"
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In der diesjährigen 9. IfL. Forschugnswerkstatt bieten Barbara Meier, Dominique Kauer und Katharina Ciax einen ExperiSpace an, der den Titel "Taking a shot at affective methodologies in the context of securitization and spatial structures of violence" trägt. Hier finden Sie ein kurzer Beschreibungstext dazu.
"Understanding affective methodologies as a feminist research practice, we apply them in varying contexts in our Ph.D. research. With the background of our practical experience, we want to offer a platform for an intense discussion of methodologies based on an experimental phase within the workshop. According to Elisabeth Militz (2019: 143) we capture affective methodology as enabling the "capturing and presencing moments of affective encounter through ethnographic field research […]". Focusing thematically on securitization, the framing of specific social spaces or practices as security threats, that justify exceptional measures and policies, the participants are invited to work in small teams with up to three methods: (1) a textual method (journals/vignettes) and two visual methods (2) affective mapping and/or (3) photo voice.
In the workshop we are going to approach affective methods practically and discuss how and whether the intangible can be made tangible (at all). In doing so, we want to raise questions and reflect on the research process's difficulties. It is, therefore, less of a static input but rather a research workshop based on individual and joint research experiences that we gather during the workshop and contribute to our practice. We are interested in an exchange on accessibility, critical points, challenges, and problems. Feel free to bring materials for your individual research if you would like to discuss them with the group in the second part of the workshop. "
Das vollständige Programm und die Website findet sich hier: Programm IfL Research Workshoppdf, 1 mb, IFL Forschungswerkstatt #9Externer Link