Ausgewählte Publikationen

Monitoring von Erdoberflächenprozessen
  • Goetz J, Brenning A, Marcer M, Bodin X (2018) Modeling the precision of structure-from-motion multi-view stereo digital elevation models from repeated close-range aerial surveys. Remote Sensing of Environment 210:208–216.
  • Petschko H, Goetz J, Böttner M, Firla M, Schmidt S (2017) Erosion Processes and Mass Movements in Sinkholes Assessed by Terrestrial Structure from Motion Photogrammetry. In: Mikos M, Tiwari B, Yin Y, Sassa K (eds) Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides. Springer International Publishing, pp 227–235
  • Niederheiser R, Mokroš M, Lange J, Petschko H, Prasicek G, Elberink SO (2016) Deriving 3D point clouds from terrestrial photographs - comparison of different sensors and software. Int Arch Photogramm Remote Sens Spatial Inf Sci XLI-B5:685–692.
  • Petschko H, Bell R, Glade T (2016) Effectiveness of visually analyzing LiDAR DTM derivatives for earth and debris slide inventory mapping for statistical susceptibility modeling. Landslides 13:857–872.
  • Petschko H, Bell R, Glade T (2014) Relative Age Estimation at Landslide Mapping on LiDAR Derivatives: Revealing the Applicability of Land Cover Data in Statistical Susceptibility Modelling. In: Sassa K, Canuti P, Yin Y (Eds.) Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment. Springer International Publishing, pp 337–343.
  • Badjana H M, Selsam P, Kpérkouma W, Flügel W-A, Fink M, Urban M, Helmschrot J, Afouda A, Akpagana K (2014) Assessment of land-cover changes in a sub-catchment of the Oti basin (West Africa): A case study of the Kara River basin. Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I, Jg. 2014, Heft 1, pp 151-170.
  • Brenning A, Long S, Fieguth P (2012) Detecting rock glacier flow structures using Gabor filters and IKONOS imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 125: 227-237.
  • Kralisch S, Böhm B, Böhm C, Busch C, Fink M, Fischer C, Schwartze C, Selsam P, Zander F, Flügel W-A (2012) ILMS – a Software Platform for Integrated Water Resources Management. Proc. of the International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Sixth Biennial Meeting (R. Seppelt, A. A. Voinov, S. Lange & D. Bankamp, eds.). Leipzig, Germany.
  • Böhm B, Böhm C, Buschmann M, Chmara S, Flügel W-A, Krüger L, Krüger T, Neumann M, Püls A, Reinhold M, Sagischewski H, Selsam P, Vörsmann P (2010) ANDROMEDA® – Anwendung Drohnen-basierter Luftbilder – Mosaikierung, Entzerrung und Daten-Auswertung. Abschlussbericht des ANDROMEDA-Verbundforschungsprojektes (ANDROMEDA® – Application of drone based aerial photographs – mosaicing, georectification and data analysis. Final report oft he ANDROMEDA research project). In: Schriftenreihe der Thüringer Landesanstalt für Wald, Jagd und Fischerei, 128 S.
  • Brenning A (2009) Benchmarking classifiers to optimally integrate terrain analysis and multispectral remote sensing in automatic rock glacier detection. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(1): 239-247.
  • Mondal S, Sharma N, Garg P. K, Böhm B, Flügel W-A, Garg R D, Singh R P (2009) Water Area Extraction Using Geocoded High Resolution Imagery of TerraSAR-X Radar Satellite in Cloud Prone Brahmaputra River Valley. Journal of Geomatics, Indian Society of Geomatics, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 9-12.