Curriculum vitae

since 1/2016

Otto Friedrich- University Bamberg, Department of Islamic art and archeology

DFG Project “The Almohad village of Cuatrovitas (Sevilla) in Spain”


Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Seminar for Pre- and Early History

DFG Project „Environment, culture and society in the Southern Urals during the Bronze Age“

4/2010-10/2012 University of Heidelberg, Department of Pre- and Early History

DFG Project „Geoarchaeological Investigations about the change in cultur at the beginn and end of the roman rule in Pannonia  - using the example of a settlement area in western Hungary“


Philipps-University Marburg, Department of Physical Geography

DFG Project „Landscape and Vegetation changes on the Iberian Peninsula during the roman period- reconstruction by using Geo-Bio Archives “


Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Department of Physical Geography

DFG Project „Geoarcheological reconstruction of coastal evolution in the Algarve region (South Portugal)“


Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Department of Physical Geography

DFG Project “Possibilities for reconstruction Lateglacial and early last Interglacial sea-level and environmental changes at the Golfo San Jose (Peninsula Valdes / Argentine) by coring – a pilot study”

Project “Geomorphologische und quartärgeologische Untersuchungen im Donautal”


Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Department of Physical Geography

DFG Project: „Sedimentological Investigations on sediment Input of debris flows in lake Lago di Braies (NE-Italy)“


PhD student at the Department of Physical Geography at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

DFG Cooperation Program „Change in Geo-Biosphere during the last 15.000 years”- Projekt: „The sedimentation dynamic of the river Werra during the Holocene“

Thesis: „The late and postglacial vegetation history of the middle Werra valley“

11 & 12/1996
University of Utrecht (NL), Laboratory for Palynologie and Archäobotany (Introduction in Palynology)

1/1997 – 6/1997
W. Goethe University Frankfurt/Main(Germany), Seminar für Vor- und Frühgeschichte (Introduction in Palynology)

W. Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main, Department of Physical Geography (Practice in Pedology)


Bsc, Msc Biology at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena                                    Combination: Botanic, Ecology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry

Master Thesis: „Zentrische Diatomeen und die Seegeschichte des Großen Stechlin (Brandenburg)“ at the Department of Biology, Chair in Systhematic Botany