Langtang Valley, Nepal.

Sudip Acharya

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Research Associate
Langtang Valley, Nepal.
Foto: Sudip Acharya
  • Short CV

    01.2021 – 03.2024
    PhD student at the Institute of Geography, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

    09.2017 – 06.2020
    M.Sc. in Physical geography, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)                                                                                                 Thesis: Influences of recent climate changes and human activities on lake environments in the central Nepal

    10.2012 – 08.2017
    B.Sc. in Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University (Nepal)

  • Research Focus

    Quaternary climate evolution, Indian summer monsoon, lipid biomarkers, compound specific isotopic analysis (leaf wax δ2H)

  • Publications
    • Prochnow, M., P. Strobel, M. Bliedtner, J. Struck, L. Bittner, S. Szidat, G. Salazar, H. Schneider, S. Acharya, M. Zech, R. Zech (2023): Summer paleohydrology during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene based on δ2H and δ18O from Bichlersee, Bavaria. Scientific Reports 13, 18487. DOI: Link
    • Acharya, S., R. Zech, P. Strobel, M. Bliedtner, M. Prochnow, C. De Jonge (2023): Environmental controls on the distribution of GDGT molecules in Lake Höglwörth, Southern Germany. – Organic Geochemistry 186, 104689. DOI: Link
    • Acharya, S., M. Prochnow, T. Kasper, L. Langhans, P. Frenzel, P. Strobel, M. Bliedtner, G. Daut, C. Berndt, S. Szidat, G. Salazar, A. Schwalb, R. Zech (2023): A 1000-year multi-proxy paleoenvironmental record from Lake Höglwörth, Bavaria, Germany. – E&G Quaternary Science Journal 72, Link
    • Acharya, S. (2020). Land use and land cover changes in the catchments impact the ecosystem in Phewa, Begnas, and Rupa lakes, Nepal. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, v. 60, pp. 195-205. DOI: Link
    • Acharya, S., Li, C.-G., Ji, K., Sun, Z., Wang, M., Hou, J. (2020). Lacustrine Record of 1954 Flood Event on Begnas and Rupa Lake, central Nepal. Acta Geologica Sinica 94(3), 717-724. DOI: Link