Prof. Dr. Roland Zech

Lehrstuhl Physische Geographie
Roland Zech, Prof. Dr.
Roland Zech
Foto: Anne Günther (Universität Jena)
Raum 204
Löbdergraben 32
07743 Jena Google Maps – LageplanExterner Link
Dienstag 11:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung;
in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nur nach Vereinbarung
  • Research interests
    • Quaternary landscape and climate history/ climate change
    • Glacial chronologies/ loss-paleosol-sequences/ lake sediments
    • Cosmogenic nuclides
    • Biomarker analyses and compound-specific isotope analyses (D, 18O, 13C, 14C)
  • Research Regions

    Germany, Switzerland, Mongolia, Siberia, Central Asia, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, South Africa, Ethiopia, Tanzania

  • Awards

    2014   SNSF-Professorship

    2011   SNSF Ambizione Fellowship

    2011   Oral presentation award, AK Geomorphologie, Leipzig

    2011   Oral presentation award, Int. Conference on Paleopedology, Hohenheim

    2010   Oral presentation award, GASIR (German Ass. Stable Isotopes), Cologne

    2008   SNSF Postdoctoral Fellowship

    2003   Marie Curie Fellowship at the University of Bergen, Norway

    2001   Fellowship of the 'Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, e.V.'

    2000   Scholarship of the Indiana University, USA