Levia, D.F., Bischoff, S., Gruselle, M.-C., Näthe, K., Legates, D.R., Lutgen, A.N., Boyer, E.W., Michalzik, B. (2023): Geometric configurations of particulate matter in terrestrial solutions of a temperate beech forest. Journal of Aerosol Science, Volume 172, 106196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2023.106196Externer Link
Apostolakis, A., Schöning, I., Michalzik, B., Ammer, C., Schall, P., Hänsel, F., Nauss, T., Trumbore, S., Schrumpf, M. (2023) Forest Structure and Fine Root Biomass Influence Soil CO2 Efflux in Temperate Forests under Drought. Forests 14, 411. https://doi.org/10.3390/f14020411Externer Link
Demir, G., Michalzik, B., Filipzik, J., Metzger, J.C., Hildebrandt, A.(2022): Spatial variation of grassland canopy affects soil wetting patterns and preferential flow. Hydrological Processes, 36 (12), e14760 https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14760Externer Link
Apostolakis, A., Schoning, I., Michalzik, B., Klaus, V.H., Boeddinghaus, R.S., Kandeler, E., Marhan, S., Bolliger, R., Fischer, M., Prati, D., Hansel, F., Nauss, T., Holzel, N., Kleinebecker, T., Schrumpf, M. (2022): Drivers of soil respiration across a management intensity gradient in temperate grasslands under drought. Nutrient cycling in Agroecosystems 124 (1): 101-116. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10705-022-10224-2Externer Link
Demir, G., Friesen, J., Filipzik, J., Michalzik, B., Hildebrandt, A. (2022): A method proposal for throughfall measurement in grassland at plot scale in temperate climate: ‘interception tubes’. Frontiers in Earth Science (section Hydrosphere), 10, Article Number: 799419 https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.799419Externer Link
Apostolakis, A., Schöning, I., Klaus, V.H., Michalzik, B. et al. (2022): Direct and plant community mediated effects of management intensity on annual nutrient leaching risk in temperate grasslands. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10705-022-10209-1Externer Link
Potthast K., Tischer A., Herrmann M., Weinhold A., Küsel K., van Dam N.M., Michalzik B. (2022): Woolly beech aphid infestation reduces soil organic carbon availability and alters phyllosphere and rhizosphere bacterial microbiomes. Plant and Soil. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05317-4Externer Link
Achilles, F., Tischer, A., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Chmara, I., Achilles, M., Michalzik, B. (2021): Effects of Moderate Nitrate and Low Sulphate Depositions on the Status of Soil Base Cation Pools and Recent Mineral Soil Acidification at Forest Conversion Sites with European Beech (“Green Eyes”) Embedded in Norway Spruce and Scots Pine Stands. Forests, 12, 573. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12050573Externer Link
Potthast, K., Meyer, S., Tischer, A., Gleixner, G., Sieburg, A., Frosch, T., Michalzik, B. (2021): Grasshopper herbivory immediately affects element cycling but not export rates in an N-limited grassland system. Ecosphere, 12/3. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3449Externer Link
Schwendenmann, L., Michalzik, B. (2021): Impact of Phytophthora agathidicida infection on canopy and forest floor plant nutrient concentrations and fluxes in a kauri‐dominated forest. Ecol Evol. 2021; 00: 1– 15. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7326Externer Link
Achilles, F., Tischer, A., Bernhardt-Römermann, M., Heinze, M., Reinhardt, F., Makeschin, F., Michalzik, B. (2021): European beech leads to more bioactive humus forms but stronger mineral soil acidification as Norway spruce and Scots pine – Results of a repeated site assessment after 63 and 82 years of forest conversion in Central Germany. Forest Ecology and Management. 483 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118769Externer Link
Krüger, M., Potthast, K., Michalzik, B., Tischer; A., Küsel, K., Deckner, F.F.K., Herrmann, M. (2021) Drought and rewetting events enhance nitrate leaching and seepage-mediated translocation of microbes from beech forest soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 154:108153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108153Externer Link
Ehrle, A., Kolle, O., Tischer, A., Trumbore, S.E., Michalzik, B. (2021): Effects of mound building Lasius flavus on organic carbon and nutrient fluxes in soils of temperate grassland ecosystems. Pedobiologia Volume 84:150701. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedobi.2020.150701Externer Link
Ueberschaar, N., Lehmann, K., Meyer, S., Zerfass, C., Michalzik, B., Totsche, K.U. and Pohnert, G. (2021): Soil Solution Analysis With Untargeted GC-MS - A Case Study With Different Lysimeter Types. Front. Earth Sci. 8:563379. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2020.563379Externer Link
Lohmann, P., Benk, S., Gleixner, G. , Potthast, K., Michalzik, B., Jehmlich, N., von Bergen, M. (2020): Seasonal patterns of dominant microbes involved in central nutrient cycles in the subsurface. Microorganisms 8(11):1694; https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms8111694Externer Link
Tischer, A., Michalzik, B., and Lotze, R. (2020): Non‐uniform but highly preferential stemflow routing along bark surfaces and actual smaller infiltration areas than previously assumed: A case study on European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). ECO Letter – Ecohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2230. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2230Externer Link
Mrad A, Katul GG, Levia DF, Guswa AJ, Boyer EW, Bruen M, Carlyle-Moses DE, Coyte R, Creed IF, van de Giesen N, Grasso D, Hannah DM, Hudson JE, Humphrey V, Iida S, Jackson RB, Kumagai T, Llorens P, Michalzik B, Nanko K, Peters CA, Selker JS, Tetzlaff D, Zalewski M, Scanlon BR (2020): Peak Grain Forecasts for the U.S. High Plains Amid Withering Waters. PNAS 117 (42): 26145-26150. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2008383117Externer Link
Carlyle-Moses, D.E., Iida, S., Germer, S., Llorens, P., Michalzik, B., Nanko, K., Tanaka, T., Tischer, A., Levia, D.F. (2020): Commentary: What We Know About Stemflow’s Infiltration Area. Front. For. Glob. Change 3:577247.https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2020.577247Externer Link
Guswa, A.J., Tetzlaff, D., Selker, J.S., Carlyle-Moses, D.E., Boyer, E.W., Bruen, M., Cayuela, C., Creed, I.R., van de Giesen, N., Grasso, D., Hannah, D.M., Hudson, J.E., Hudson, S.A., Iida, S., Jackson, R.B., Katul, G.G., Kumagai, T., Llorens, P., Lopes Ribeiro, F., Michalzik, B., Nanko, K., Oster, C., Pataki, D.E., Peters, C.A., Rinaldo, A., Sanchez Carretero, D., Trifunovic, B., Zalewski, M., Haagsma, M., Delphis F. Levia, D.L. (2020): Advancing ecohydrology in the 21st century: A convergence of opportunities. Ecohydrology 13(4):e2208. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2208Externer Link
Schwendenmann, L., Michalzik, B. (2019): Dissolved and particulate carbon and nitrogen fluxes along a Phytophthora agathidicida infection gradient in a kauri (Agathis australis) dominated forest. Fungal Ecology 42:100861. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2019.08.005Externer Link
Thieme, L., Graeber, D., Hofmann, D., Bischoff, S., Schwarz, M.T., Steffen, B., Meyer, U.-N., Kaupenjohann, M., Wilcke, W., Michalzik, B., Siemens, S. (2019): Dissolved organic matter characteristics of deciduous andconiferous forests with variable management: different at thesource, aligned in the soil. Biogeosciences 16:1411–1432. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-16-1411-2019Externer Link
Ehrle, A.; Potthast, K.; Tischer, A.; Trumbore, S.E.; Michalzik, B. (2018): Soil properties determine how Lasius flavus impact on topsoil organic matter and nutrient distribution in central Germany. Appl. Soil Ecol.133:166-176. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2018.08.021Externer Link
Carlyle-Moses, D.E.; Iida, S.; Germer, S.; Llorens, P.; Michalzik, B.; Nanko, K.; Tischer, A.; Levia, D.F. (2018): Expressing Stemflow Commensurate with its Ecohydrological Importance. Advances in Water Resources 121, 472-479.
Näthe, K.; Levia, D.F.; Tischer, A.; Potthast, K.; Michalzik, B. (2018): Spatiotemporal variation of aluminium and micro- and macronutrients in the soil solution of a coniferous forest after low-intensity prescribed surface fires. Int. J. Wildland Fire 27(7), 471-489.
Leimer, S., Bischoff, S., Boch, S., Busch, V., Escher, P., Fischer, M., Hänsel, F., Hölzel, N., Kerber, K., Klaus, V. H., Kleinebecker, T., Michalzik, B., Nauss, T., Schäfer, D., Schöning, I., Schwarz, M. T., Siemens, J., Thieme, L., Wöllauer, S., Wilcke, W. (2018): Does plant diversity affect the water balance of established grassland systems? Ecohydrology 11, e1945
Näthe, K., Levia, D.F., Tischer, A., Michalzik, B. (2018): Low-intensity surface fire effects on carbon and nitrogen cycling in soil and soil solution of a Scots pine forest in central Germany. Catena, 162, 360-375.
Crecelius, A.C., Vitz, J., Näthe, K., Meyer, S., Michalzik, B., Schubert, U.S. (2017): Effect of ecosystem type and fire on chemistry of WEOM as measured by LDI-TOF-MS and NMR. Talanta, 162:589-596.
Ehrle, A., Andersen, A.N., Levick, S.R., Schumacher, J., Trumbore, S.E., Michalzik, B. (2017): Yellow-meadow ant (Lasius flavus) mound development determines soil properties and growth responses of different plant functional types. European Journal of Soil Biology, 81, 83-93.
Näthe, K., Levia, D.F., Steffens, M., Michalzik, B. (2017): Solid-state 13C NMR characterization of surface fire effects on the composition of organic matter in both soil and soil solution from a coniferous forest. Geoderma, 305, 394-406.
Schmidt, J., Fester, T., Schulz, E., Michalzik, B., Buscot, F., Gutknecht, J. (2017): Effects of plant-symbiotic relationships on the living soil microbial community and microbial necromass in a long-term agro-ecosystem. Science of The Total Environment, 581:756-765.
Jehmlich, N.,Müller, M., Meyer, S., Tischer, A., Richnow, H.H., Potthast, K., Michalzik, B., Von Bergen, M. (2016): Proteome data on the microbial microbiome of grasshopper feces. Data in Brief 11/2016, doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.11.033
Potthast, K., Meyer, S., Crecelius, A.C., Schubert, U.S., Tischer, A., Michalzik, B. (2017): Land-use and fire drive temporal patterns of soil solution chemistry and nutrient fluxes. Science of The Total Environment, 605-606: 514-526. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.182.
Crecelius, A.C., Michalzik, B., Potthast, K., Meyer, S., Schubert, U.S. (2017): Tracing the fate and transport of secondary plant metabolites in a laboratory mesocosm experiment by employing mass spectrometric imaging. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 409: 3807-3820. doi: 10.1007/s00216-017-0325-7.
Michalzik, B., Levia, D., Bischoff, S., Näthe, K., Richter, S. (2016) Effects of aphid infestation on the biogeochemistry of the water routed through European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Biogeochemistry, in press.
Schwarz, M.T., Bischoff, S., Blaser, S., Boch, S., Grassein, F., Klarner, B., Schmitt, B., Solly, E.F., Ammer, C., Michalzik, B., Schall, P., Scheu, S., Schoning, I., Schrumpf, M., Schulze, E.-D., Siemens, J., Wilcke, W. (2016) Drivers of nitrogen leaching from organic layers in Central European beech forests. Plant and Soil 403 (1-2):434-360.
Pereyra, G., Hartmann, H., Michalzik, B., Ziegler, W. Trumbore, S. (2015) Influence of Rhizobia Inoculation on Biomass Gain and Tissue Nitrogen Content of Leucaena leucocephala Seedlings under Drought. Forests 6 (10):3686-3703.
Bischoff, S., M.T. Schwarz, J. Siemens, L. Thieme, W. Wilcke, Michalzik, B. (2015) Properties of dissolved and total organic matter in throughfall, stemflow and forest floor leachate of Central European forests. Biogeosciences 12, 2695-2706.
Schmidt, J., Schulz, E., Michalzik, B., Buscot, F., Gutknecht, J.L.M. (2015) Carbon input and crop-related changes in microbial biomarker levels strongly affect the turnover and composition of soil organic carbon. Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry 85: 39-50. DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.02.024.
Jochum, T., Michalzik, B., Bachmann, A.,Popp, J., Frosch, T. (2015) Microbial respiration and natural attenuation of benzene contaminated soils investigated by cavity enhanced Raman multi-gas spectroscopy. Analyst, DOI: 10.1039/C5AN00091B.
Keiner, R., Gruselle, M.-C., Michalzik, B., Popp, J., Frosch, T. (2015) Raman spectroscopic investigation of 13CO2 labeling and leaf dark respiration of Fagus sylvatica L. (European beech). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407 (7): 1813-1817. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-014-8446-8.
Bierbass, P., Gutknecht, J.L.M., Michalzik, B. (2015) Nest-mounds of the yellow meadow ant (Lasius flavus) at the "Alter Gleisberg", Central Germany: Hot or cold spots in nutrient cycling? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 80: 209-217.
Herold, N., Schöning, I., Michalzik, B., Trumbore, S.E., Schrumpf, M. (2014) Controls on soil carbon storage and turnover in German landscapes. Biogeochemistry 119: 435-451.
Solly, E., Schöning, I., Boch, S., Kandeler, E., Marhan, S., Michalzik, B., Müller, J., Zscheischler, J., Trumbore, S.E., Schrumpf, M. (2014) Factors controlling decomposition rates of fine root litter in temperate forests and grasslands. (Plant and Soil, on-line available DOI 10.1007/s11104-014-2151-4).
Levia, D.F., Michalzik,B., Näthe, K., Bischoff, S., Richter, S., D. R. Legates, D.R. (2014) Differential stemflow yield from European beech saplings: the role of individual canopy structure metrics. Hydrological Processes (accepted manuscript online: 29 Nov. 2013) DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10124.
Schwarz, M.T., Bischoff, S., Blaser, S., Boch, S., Schmitt, B., Thieme, L., Fischer, M., Michalzik, B., Schulze, E.-D., Siemens, J., Wilcke, W. (2014) More efficient aboveground nitrogen use in more diverse Central European forest canopies. Forest Ecology and Management 313: 274-282.
Bierbaß, P., Wündsch, M., Michalzik, B. (2013) The impact of vegetation on the stability of dispersive material forming biancane badlands in Val d´Orcia, Tuscany, Central Italy. Catena 113 (2014) 260-266 (accepted).
Niemann, H., Matthias, I, Michalzik, B., Behling, H. (2013) Late Holocene human impact and environmental change inferred from a multi-proxy lake sediment record in the Loja region, southeastern Ecuador. Quaternary Research xxx. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016./j.quaint.2013.03.017.Externer Link
Levia, D.F., Michalzik, B., Bischoff, S., Näthe, K., Legates, D.R., Gruselle, M.-C., Richter, S. (2013) Measurement and modeling of diameter distributions of particulate matter in terrestrial solutions. Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (7): 1317-1321. (doi:10.1002/grl.50305, 2013).
Michalzik, B., Martin, S. (2013) Effects of experimental duff fires on C, N and P fluxes into the mineral soil at a coniferous and broadleaf forest site. Geoderma, 197-198: 169-176. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.01.010Externer Link.
Frosch, T., Keiner, R., Michalzik, B., Fischer, B., Popp, J (2013) Investigation of Gas Exchange Processes in Peat Bog Ecosystems by Means of Innovative Raman Gas Spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry, 85 (3):1295-1299. (dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac3034163).
le Mellec, A., Gerold, G., Michalzik, B. (2011) Insect herbivory, organic matter deposition and effects on belowground organic matter fluxes in a central European oak forest. Plant and Soil 342:393-403.
le Mellec, A., Meesenburg, H., Michalzik, B. (2010) The importance of canopy-derived dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM) - comparing throughfall solution from broadleaved and coniferous forests. Annals of Forest Science 67 (4) 411.
Moser, G., C. Leuschner, C., Hertel, D., Hölscher, D., Köhler, M., Leitner, D., Michalzik, B., Prihastanti, E., Tjitrosemito, S., Schwendenmann, L. (2010) Response of cocoa trees (Theobroma cacao) to a 13-month desiccation period in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Agroforest Syst 79:171-187.
Schwendenmann, L., Veldkamp, E., Moser, G., Hölscher, D., Köhler, M., Clough, Y., Anas, I., Djajakirana, G., Erasmi, S., Hertel, D., Leitner, D., Leuschner, Ch., Michalzik, B., Propastin, P., Tjoa, A., Tscharntke, T., Van Straaten, O. (2010) Effects of an experimental drought on the functioning of a cacao agroforestry system, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Global Change Biology, 16:1515-1530.
le Mellec, A., Habermann, M., Michalzik, B. (2009) Canopy herbivory altering C to N ratios and soil input patterns of different organic matter fractions in a Scots pine forest. Plant and Soil 325:255-262.
Huang, J.-H., G. Ilgen, D. Vogel, B. Michalzik, S. Hantsch, L. Tennhardt und B. Bilitewski (2009) Emissions of inorganic and organic arsenic compounds via the leachate pathway from pre-treated municipal waste materials - a landfill reactor study. Environmental Science & Technology. 43 (18):7092-7097.
le Mellec, A., Michalzik B. (2008) Impact of a pine lappet (Dendrolimus pini L.) mass outbreak on C and N fluxes to the forest floor and soil microbial properties in a Scots pine forest in Germany. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38 (7): 1829- 1841.
Heitkamp, F., Glatzel, S., Michalzik, B., Fischer, E. und Gerold, G. (2008) Soil microbiological properties as indicators for success of heathland restoration after military disturbance. Land Degradation and Development 19: 408-420.
Michalzik, B., Ilgen, G., Hertel, F., Hantsch, S. und Bilitewski, B. (2007) Emissions of organo-metal compounds via the leachate and gas pathway from two differently pre-treated municipal waste materials- a landfill reactor study. Waste Management 27:497-509.
Michalzik, B., Stadler, B. (2005) Importance of canopy herbivores to dissolved and particulate organic matter fluxes to the forest floor. Geoderma 127:227-236.
Michalzik, B., Tipping, E., Mulder, J., Gallardo Lancho, J.F., Matzner, E., Bryant, C., Clarke, N., Lofts., S., Vicente Esteban, S.A. (2003) Modelling the production and transport of dissolved organic carbon in forest soils. Biogeochemistry 66:241- 264.
Michalzik, B., Kalbitz, K. , Park, J.-H., Solinger, S., Matzner, E. (2001) Fluxes and concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen - a synthesis for temperate forests. Biogeochemistry 52 (2), 173-205.
Stadler, B., Solinger, S., Michalzik, B. (2001) Insect herbivores and nutrient cycling in coniferous and deciduous forests: beyond the biomass point of view. Oecologia 126 (1), 104-113.
Stadler, B., Michalzik, B. (2000) Effects of phytophagous insects on micro-organisms and through-fall chemistry in forest ecosystems: Herbivores as switches for nutrient dynamics in the canopy. Basic and Applied Ecology 1, 109-116.
Michalzik, B., Stadler, B. (2000) Effects of phytophagous insects on soil solution chemistry: Herbivores as switches for nutrient dynamics in the soil. Basic and Applied Ecology 1, 117-123.
Prechtel, A., Alewell, C., Michalzik, B., Matzner, E. (2000) Different effect of drying on the release of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from a Norway spruce forest floor. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 163, 517-521.
Kalbitz, K., Solinger, S., Park, J.-H., Michalzik, B., Matzner, E. (2000) Controls on the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in soils: A review. Soil Science 165 (4), 277-304.
Michalzik, B., Matzner, E. (1999) Dynamics of dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon in a Central European Norway spruce ecosystem. European Journal of Soil Science 50, 579-590.
Stadler, B., Michalzik, B. (1999) The impact of spruce aphids on nutrient flows in the canopy of Norway spruce. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 1, 3-9.
Michalzik, B., Müller, T., Stadler, B. (1999) Aphids on Norway spruce and their effects on forest floor solution chemistry. Forest Ecology and Management 118, 1-10.
Stadler, B., Michalzik, B. (1998) Linking aphid honeydew, throughfall, and forest floor solution chemistry of Norway spruce. Ecology Letters 1, 13-16.
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Stadler, B., Michalzik, B., Müller, T. (1998) Linking aphid ecology with nutrient fluxes in a coniferous forest. Ecology 79(5), 1514-1525.
Michalzik, B., Dorsch, T., Matzner, E. (1997) Stability of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and mineral nitrogen in bulk precipitation and throughfall. Z. Pflanzenernährung Bodenkunde 160, 433-434.